4 Jul 2014

"The Fragility Of Normality", Testing time exhibition.

I have recently come to a mile stone in my Masters where I am beginning to look at what I could exhibit in the final MA show in October. Ok, it is a little soon you might say but what we have done here is called "Testing time" which is where we try to bring our ideas together to see how we might show them and see how well our practice is working and how it communicates our ideas. Well, here is my offering and I feel it relates quite a lot to the idea of alternative lifestyles and breaking out from that mold of normality. 

the everyday, exploration, urbex, bleached photos, decayed photos, print, photography, ephemera, found objects, installation, urban, city, situationist, guy debord, getting lost on purpose, escape, lifestyle, travel, nomad, question normality, film photography, lomo, lomography, light leaks, double exposure, installation art, intervention, analogue, analoge, destroyed prints, 120mm, 35mm, pentax, diana, exporation, normality, the everyday, uncanny, suppressed memory,

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