25 Aug 2014

The Roaming Renegades Travel Magazine Project

Finally after month of hard work the first issue of the roaming renegades magazine has been printed and is on sale online in both paperback and e-book versions. Publications have become a massive part of my practice over the past couple of years on my MA and this Roaming Renegades Magazine sets out a marker in my career and development of that. 

the roaming renegades, travel publication, travel, travel blog, layout design, scrapbook, journal, experimental, alternative, modern, new, young, japan, tokyo, budapest, article, dublin, photography, zine, book, publication, magazine,

24 Aug 2014

Double Exposure 35mm URBEX Photography

I recently played around with a new panoramic camera I acquired producing some interesting double exposure images inside a local derelict mill, he I wanted to play with the idea of the multi layered experience and existence of these spaces. 

urbex, double exposure, lomography, film photography, analogue photography, analog photography, photography, experimental, urban exploring, place hacking, hartford mill, oldham, freehold, industrial revolution, mill, factory, abandoned, derelict, exploration, art

Cross Processed 35mm Slide Film Photography

I took the Pentax k1000 back out again and this time got hold of some expired slide film, which was something I hadn't used before but I had done a little digging online and thought it sounded like it could result in some interesting photographs so I was keen to give it a try. 

urbex, urban exploration, situationist, psychogeography, photography, film photography, slide film, cross processed, experimentation, graphic design, strange, derelict, uncanny, abandoned, remnants, fragility,

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