30 Nov 2012

BURO Launch!

Finally after much planning, deliberation and discussion we had the launch for our joint publication at Odder Bar in Manchester. It was great to have something in motion for the start of practice two and also have some work published. 
buro, manchester, publication, zine, explore, grunge, graphic design, urbex, victoria arches, texture, details, misplace, summer 2013, mmu, ma, d&ad, post graduate, manchester school of art, travel blog, exploration, censorship, propaganda, riso, prints, printing, design, art,

23 Nov 2012

Propaganda Exploration Poster

I decided to bring together some of the logo work with the photography I had been doing and my wider ideas to create a poster which I felt represented the stage of development my practice was at. I experimented with both screenprinting and the Risograph to get a sense of how this may effect the image. 

poster, riso, screenprint, propaganda, explore, urbex, urban exploring, manchester, arches, place hacking, half tone, urban, black, red, gritty, protest, revolution, graphic design, design, art, travel, adventure, craft

19 Nov 2012

Exploration Logo & Found Objects

I have been interesting in the idea of creating a logo to represent the idea of exploration which brings together the atmosphere, remnants and texture of the urban environment it is inspired by. I decided to take this a little further by then screenprinting that logo onto objects found in the city. 

logo, graphic design, explore, fragment, screen print, half tone, design, urbex, tile, experiment, mmu, arrow, fragments, details, urban, exploration, travel, adventures, history, letterpress, found objects,

10 Nov 2012

Alternative Tagging around Manchester

After playing around in the Letterpress studio for the last few weeks I thought it might make an interesting experiment to look at an alternative form of "Tagging" using luggage tags to connect to the idea of interaction, history and craft as opposed to vandalism. 

urban intervention, urbex, manchester, tag, tagging, luggage tag, letterpress, explore, alternative, street art, urban, city, history, craft, craftivism, activism, socialism, control, propaganda, sanctioned messages. design, graphic design,

4 Nov 2012

Pink Adventures Logo

I have been working on Freelance designs and logos recently and have been on the look our for new opportunities or thinks I can re-design. The climbing gym I go to has been taken over by a company called "Pink Adventures" and although I quite like their name and concept I hated their logo. I just did something quite to get an idea of what was possible but I feel that there is much more that could be done here 

logo, pink adventures, climb rochdale, climbing, adventure sports, pink, outdoors, graphic design,

1 Nov 2012

Screen Printed Train Ticket Interventions

After playing around with logos and printing onto found objects I wanted to experiment further with creating interventions using everyday objects and transforming them into pieces communicating the opportunities the city has to offer which we often walk past without even realising. 

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

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