24 Jan 2014

Questioning Normality via Propaganda Banner Intervention!

After my experiments with my fly posting and billboard interventions (Billboards and Fly Posting) I was keen to take it to the next level and make a big statement using a banner. I had aspirations of something much larger, which may be something I go on to do, but this was the test piece to see how those ideas transferred to this presentation. 

banner, protest, red flag, escape the everyday, question normality, urbex, derelict, propaganda, urban, industrial, design and art direction, art, statement, alternative lifestyle

Observational Photography around the city

For me the true essence of a place is in the details, in the things that make the place unique, that give it its true character. Manchester is a city I love and am proud to call it home, I love walking to and from University, wandering around the back streets and seeing what I might find. 

London Road fire station, Details, exploring city, close up photography, manchester, urbex, ephemera, urban narrative

9 Jan 2014

Assessment for MA D&AD!

So yesterday came the day I have been both waiting for a dreading for the past few months... my second major assessment point for my MA, having had my last one all the way back in May and smaller presentation assessment in October. 

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

1 Jan 2014

Gruber Garratt Logos and Branding

Logo Experiments.

I have been keen to develop my professional outputs of late as well as working on my main practice and I had a unique opportunity to test out my new found skills, confidence and style by working with my current employers on their re-branding. 

Gruber Garratt, solicitors, lawyers, quality solicitors, letterhead, logos, logo, signprint, sign, type, text, font, green logo, industrial, legal practice, oldham

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