21 Dec 2012

Disconnection and Re-Connection via Exploration.

I had come across a project being run by a classmate and decided I would produce something for submission. After playing around with some ideas and designs I came up with something that in fact began to mean a lot more to my practice itself and helped me kick start this semester. 

ghost, exploration, abandoned, derelict, asylum, hospital, nous, zine, publication, depression, disconnection, tunnel, urbex, morrissey, graphic design, riso, edit, choppy, lyrics, exploration, details, signage, mmu, manchester, Huddersfield,

30 Nov 2012

BURO Launch!

Finally after much planning, deliberation and discussion we had the launch for our joint publication at Odder Bar in Manchester. It was great to have something in motion for the start of practice two and also have some work published. 
buro, manchester, publication, zine, explore, grunge, graphic design, urbex, victoria arches, texture, details, misplace, summer 2013, mmu, ma, d&ad, post graduate, manchester school of art, travel blog, exploration, censorship, propaganda, riso, prints, printing, design, art,

23 Nov 2012

Propaganda Exploration Poster

I decided to bring together some of the logo work with the photography I had been doing and my wider ideas to create a poster which I felt represented the stage of development my practice was at. I experimented with both screenprinting and the Risograph to get a sense of how this may effect the image. 

poster, riso, screenprint, propaganda, explore, urbex, urban exploring, manchester, arches, place hacking, half tone, urban, black, red, gritty, protest, revolution, graphic design, design, art, travel, adventure, craft

19 Nov 2012

Exploration Logo & Found Objects

I have been interesting in the idea of creating a logo to represent the idea of exploration which brings together the atmosphere, remnants and texture of the urban environment it is inspired by. I decided to take this a little further by then screenprinting that logo onto objects found in the city. 

logo, graphic design, explore, fragment, screen print, half tone, design, urbex, tile, experiment, mmu, arrow, fragments, details, urban, exploration, travel, adventures, history, letterpress, found objects,

10 Nov 2012

Alternative Tagging around Manchester

After playing around in the Letterpress studio for the last few weeks I thought it might make an interesting experiment to look at an alternative form of "Tagging" using luggage tags to connect to the idea of interaction, history and craft as opposed to vandalism. 

urban intervention, urbex, manchester, tag, tagging, luggage tag, letterpress, explore, alternative, street art, urban, city, history, craft, craftivism, activism, socialism, control, propaganda, sanctioned messages. design, graphic design,

4 Nov 2012

Pink Adventures Logo

I have been working on Freelance designs and logos recently and have been on the look our for new opportunities or thinks I can re-design. The climbing gym I go to has been taken over by a company called "Pink Adventures" and although I quite like their name and concept I hated their logo. I just did something quite to get an idea of what was possible but I feel that there is much more that could be done here 

logo, pink adventures, climb rochdale, climbing, adventure sports, pink, outdoors, graphic design,

1 Nov 2012

Screen Printed Train Ticket Interventions

After playing around with logos and printing onto found objects I wanted to experiment further with creating interventions using everyday objects and transforming them into pieces communicating the opportunities the city has to offer which we often walk past without even realising. 

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

22 Oct 2012

Fear Is The Thief Of Dreams Poster

These posters are something I did whilst playing around with some other ideas and just wanted to express this idea that for many it is a fear of something, whether that be failure, disappointment, disapproval or even injury. It is that fear that ultimately keeps us in the safety of normality and makes us settle for less than our dreams. I have learnt recently that feeling fearful is not wrong, but how you deal with it. 

propaganda, poster, fear is the thief of dreams, red, screenprint, obey, graphic design, design, climbing, travel, explore, urbex, manchester, mmu,

20 Oct 2012

T-Shirt Intervention & High Street Infiltration. Break The Rules!

Interventions have become increasingly important in the development of my work as I feel they allow me to really communicate with the city itself, create a narrative between my work and the environment and also directly communicate with the general public. I decided to take that further with some infiltration art in the Arndale Shopping centre (Mall). 

protest, infiltration, intervention, high street, arndale centre, mall, shopping center, center, shopping, fashion, brainless, zombie, consumerism, homogenization, homogenisation, generic, next, river island, manchester, graphic design, t-shirt, guerrilla, protest, propaganda, socialism, alternative, awake, against, rise, screenprint, self printed.

18 Oct 2012

DRIP DRIP Till Roll Experiment!

I've been quite busy recently getting a lot of my ideas going and wanted to play with a till roll and the idea that this "Drip Drip Drip" was the never ending beat of the forgotten city below us.

till toll, drip, urbex, underground, city narrative, urban beat, letterpress, graphic design, mmu, manchester,hidden, reveal, art, design

9 Oct 2012

Using The City To Represent Itself

I got the idea a little while back that in representing a place it is the earth, the dirt and the make up of that place where the reality of it exists. It represents the fabric and physicality of that location. So to explore this a little further I created a piece using Manchester as both my subject matter and my media.

this is manchester, manchester, abandoned, urbex, explore, letterpress, design, art, graphic design, duchamp, abstract, fine art, intervention, dirt, urbex, explore, found objects, city

3 Oct 2012

UMBRELLA Logo Ideas for Joint Publication.

Over the last few weeks we have been talking about producing a joint publication for the MA Design and Art Direction students at MMU. One of the things we are still in the process of disguising is the name and so I did a few logo experiments with my suggestion of "Umbrella".

umbrella, logo, manchester, bee, wasp, yellow, black, helvetica, buro, mmu, publication, zine, type, graphic design, simple design, arrows, manchester coat of arms, factory records.

Rules Only Exist As Far As Our Consent To Be Ruled.

I have recently created a series of posters which challenge the idea of rules and our complicitness in accepting those rules without questioning the motives behind them, especially when it comes to our navigation of environment.

propaganda, questioning, rules, rules only exist as far as our consent to be ruled, control, obey, exploring, urbex, screenprint, half tone, dotwork, adventure, social norms, gender stereotypes, alternative lifestyle, poster, graphic design, design, art

2 Oct 2012

Imagery, Lettering and Missing information Experimentation.

To start of my MA project I wanted to do some simple experiments playing with imagery, lettering and missing information. 

graphic design, urbex, half tone, halftone, eroded, dots, explore, dream, discover, adventure, quotes, manchester, mmu

1 Oct 2012

Letterpress Obsession!!

I have been playing around with the Letterpress for the last few weeks, playing with lots of ideas and making a lot of progress. The letterpress is great in how it adds a level of tradition and value to text it's computer generated relation just doesn't have. 

letterpress, train tickets, maps, tradition, text, type, graphic design, mmu, manchester school of art, urban exploring, seeing the city differently, psychogeography, situationist art

30 Sept 2012

BURO Publication Logo Creation.

We have been working on ideas for the joint publication for the MA Design and Art Direction students and after some deliberation we finally came up with a name and I was chosen to work on the logo.  

publication, logo, buro, mmu, zine, text, type, experiment, graphic design, design, manchester, collaboration

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