21 Apr 2014

New Creative CV and Portfolio

I have recently been working on a new creative CV and Portfolio in order to gain some more professional experience and freelance work. I wanted something that really expressed me as a designer and as an individual as my interests and beliefs very much inspire my creative outputs. I wanted something which would communicate my personality and create also some intrigue. 
I created my CV first and decided to use my passport as the basis for the design. Obviously as a travel blogger the correlation is clear, but I also wanted it to represent more than just travel, but the love I have of all types of exploration. The adventure into the unknown, the willingness to get lost in order to find what you are looking for, the openness to new ideas and ways of thinking. The enjoyment of a challenge and overcoming the fears and pushing out of my comfort zone. 

This is true whether I am talking about venturing to a strange city on the other side of the world or taking on a new design challenge, learning new techniques or scaling the side of a mountain. This is my passport to "Exploration, Adventure and Rethinking", this is me as the explorer of ideas, places and creative outputs and brings together all which inspires me. 

I then began work on my portfolio in order to showcase my work and skills. I was a little torn on how I would present this at first, initially continuing with the passport style but deciding once photographs were added it didn't work. Instead I looked to continue the theme of travel and exploration but instead create something with a scrapbook feel to it which connects to the idea of re-thinking items, seeing the details around us and becomes my "Ticket" to a creative career.

Just as above I have scanned and used items from my own travels and explorations including plane tickets, baggage tags, photographs and collected ephemera to connect this to real experiences and adventures. 

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

portfolio, scrapbook, tickets, tags, baggage, cv, resume, passport, creative, travel, graphic design, designer, freelance, exploration, adventure, artist, art, passport stamps, rethinking, future, creative career,

As well as this CV and Portfolio I have created a Behance page which can be found here:
www.behance.net/NicHilditchShort. and you will notice I have a "Portfolio/CV" tab at the top of my website. 

I have included links on my portfolio pages to be able to show further examples of my work as well as more in depth explanations and links to my blog posts about each piece. These links are also clickable in the PDF documents I have created which makes it easier to access. 

My initial ideas for my CV and Portfolio were to create something very similar but in a physical format. To design and print my own passport for example but with my university work intensifying I didn't feel at this stage it was the right time to commit to that project. Along with that I was planning on scanning the final outcome to use as a digital CV and Portfolio to give myself a more versatile document. 

However on completion of this piece I am looking into printing this into maybe a newspaper format, as I have done before, in order to give me something which would be more related to the more tactile piece I initially had in mind.  

If you would like to download a PDF copy click here: Nic Hilditch-Short CV & Portfolio
Please feel free to share/ get in contact to discuss a project, collaboration or ideas! 

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