1 Nov 2012

Screen Printed Train Ticket Interventions

After playing around with logos and printing onto found objects I wanted to experiment further with creating interventions using everyday objects and transforming them into pieces communicating the opportunities the city has to offer which we often walk past without even realising. 

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

The main concept behind this was looking at things from the everyday that we encounter (ones also with a connection to the idea of exploring and discovery) and creative interventions with them that would offer people a new angle on something they know so well, a new interaction with something so small and everyday that then this may open up a new their day to day lives and journeys, to re-think inwardly and outwardly. 

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

I placed the first set of tickets on the side of the ticket machine as it was somewhere with a high footfall and a main area of the station. I like the idea that these machines contain the opportunity in theory to take you anywhere in the world, and yet we only think of them as inconveniences or maybe not even at all. I wanted that idea to represent the things, adventures and explorations we miss in our everyday use of the city. 

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

The second print didn't initially go as well as I wanted but I decided to go with it and place it in the station anyway to see how it would work. What interested me here was that the image was of the original cattle bridge still buried below the station that most don't even know exists. These ticket may in fact be the ones I used to get into Manchester that night to do that exploration, and it's that which represents the way in which these tickets can be seen as either a burden or an opportunity, it's all about perspective and my work is about changing that.  

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

intervention, urban, explore, urbex, train tickets, art, design, screenprint, victoria station, manchester, cattle bridge, craftivism, infiltration, experiment, tag, train station,

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