9 Jan 2014

Assessment for MA D&AD!

So yesterday came the day I have been both waiting for a dreading for the past few months... my second major assessment point for my MA, having had my last one all the way back in May and smaller presentation assessment in October. 

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

As I am studying part time my deadlines are so far apart which can at times make it hard to organise and plan for and also meant that I have been concentrating on this assessment point and pretty much nothing else since early November. So I am reveled to be able to relax for a little while after having to do another presentation! 

My next assessment point isn't until September now which is when I shall be finishing the course and will also be involved in the MMU Post Grad exhibition. I feel that for this last stretch I maybe need to be setting my own mini deadlines as well and organising my time more efficiently. 

One of the major things I am working on right now is my blog and career/life plan, I am planning to edit and re-organise my post and website layout in the next few months and also promote it much more and in turn hope to have much more communication with other bloggers and readers. I feel my blog and the topics it covers and very much part of my plans for my future, career and practice and can finally see how it is all coming together. I need to really figure this all out properly but I am excited by these prospects and look forward to exploring that for my final MA stage. 

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Design and Art Direction, D&AD, Graphic Design, Fine Art, MMU, Manchester school of art,

Thanks for looking. If you are interested in what my work is about then I have post up about all my individual experiments and outcomes under the "Art & Design" tab along the side. I am currently working on editing my posts and so once complete I will add links to this page. 


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