5 Oct 2013

Censored Posters Exploring Ownership Of The City

After playing around with some posters ideas I wanted to look at pushing the ideas of ownership of the urban environment a little further. I decided to look at censorship and denial of information along with the cultural and social implications of doing so. 

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,
I had been working on a series of posters which were starting to look and question who controls the city and for what reasons. I used images of my explorations but wanted to make them somewhat ambiguous and hard to read to represent the idea that these places and their culture are being hidden and that if we want to take them back we must explore beyond this veil. 

In producing these posters I played with both screenprinting and risograph taking advantage of the degrading quality each has on a photographic image. The halftone reducing the image down and the riso creating images of much higher contrast. 

I was pleased with these posters but felt that they could be pushed a little further. 

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

After this I began to look a little deeper into the message I was trying to communicate with these pieces and felt the logical step was to actual censor out my own wording. Of course with doing something like this you run the risk of the message itself being censored but I felt the original was to straight forward and that this allowed the kind of open interpretation I wanted. I felt this added an intrigue as to what was behind those blocks and highlighted the sense of both frustration in the hidden but also the adventure in the exploration and discovery. 

I also chose to use red in my prints as above as I feel it creates quite a striking image and combined with the black and censored wording reflects the idea of propaganda and control without being too direct. 

I like the idea they are also quite abstract and leave room open for the individual and their interpretation as I feel my work and exploration is all about the individual in the city, how they chose to navigate and experience it and not the hemogenised shopping centre experience. 

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

progaganda, poster, flyer, bill poster, censor, control, city, manchester, abandoned, urbex, exploration, adventure, graphic design, design, freelance, 1984,

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