4 Oct 2013

Experimenting With Lost Narratives And Fragments Of The City

After creating some pieces for the publication NOUS earlier on in the year I had kind of moved on from there until my tutor suggested I take another look. I began to see past the original intentions for this piece and saw how I had created something which spoke about the ghost like broken narratives left behind in an abandoned buildings through remnants of signage. I decided to  develop this further. 

fragments, messages, traces, ghosts, urban, decay, urbex, abandoned, urban decay, screenprinting,
I began to become fascinated by the signage and messages left over in these abandoned spaces I was exploring and how these had been transformed with the building around them into strange pieces of evidence of the past life of the building. They have stayed the same but yet their context has changed, the little notes and signposts becoming messages of the ghosts of the past use of this space still stubbornly clinging on to their existence whilst they become ever more detached from their original purpose. This sign from St Luke's sums this up quite well. 

fragments, messages, traces, ghosts, urban, decay, urbex, abandoned, urban decay, screenprinting,
I guess I'll be waiting a while then... typical NHS!
I wanted then to take this one step further and take some of those things that I had found in these spaces, office memos and note paper and use these things to print my image on to. I felt that this made the pieces much more honest and really allowed them to connect to the spaces. I felt it added an extra dimension to the work and felt the eerie quality of these spaces was represented well.  

fragments, messages, traces, ghosts, urban, decay, urbex, abandoned, urban decay, screenprinting,

 I like the idea of the images, traces and messages interacting and becoming part of the same thing and the same message. The place itself making an impression upon itself. I feel these prints make the image so much more successful and meaningful, it seemed a little wrong for those images to be presented on clean ink jet paper with a smooth print. But with the unpredictability of the surface and it's griminess it transforms the image. 

fragments, messages, traces, ghosts, urban, decay, urbex, abandoned, urban decay, screenprinting,

fragments, messages, traces, ghosts, urban, decay, urbex, abandoned, urban decay, screenprinting,

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