27 Jul 2013

Photos Of Photos In Abandoned Factory!

I was back in Fothergills earlier on whilst putting the banner up and decided I would take the opportunity to do a few experiments with some photos I had taken on the previous visit. I wanted to continue from the idea of the glitch photos and an alternative reality and take some photos of photos back in the space to explore that further. 
glitch, photo of photo, photography, inception, false reality, matrix, question normality, what we miss, abandoned, travel, derelict, traces, representation, photoception, urbex, explore, design

I wanted to take the glitch photo idea and take it back into these spaces to give it some physicality and  see how this almost inception or matrix like idea worked here and commenting on what is real and what we are missing via the everyday false reality. 

glitch, photo of photo, photography, inception, false reality, matrix, question normality, what we miss, abandoned, travel, derelict, traces, representation, photoception, urbex, explore, design

As experiments I think they create interesting images in themselves and I feel they are something I could play with and develop further in both idea and execution. I also feel the ideas behind these and the glitch photos have more development potential in them. 

glitch, photo of photo, photography, inception, false reality, matrix, question normality, what we miss, abandoned, travel, derelict, traces, representation, photoception, urbex, explore, design

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