3 Oct 2012

Rules Only Exist As Far As Our Consent To Be Ruled.

I have recently created a series of posters which challenge the idea of rules and our complicitness in accepting those rules without questioning the motives behind them, especially when it comes to our navigation of environment.

propaganda, questioning, rules, rules only exist as far as our consent to be ruled, control, obey, exploring, urbex, screenprint, half tone, dotwork, adventure, social norms, gender stereotypes, alternative lifestyle, poster, graphic design, design, art

One of the things I have been playing with recently is half tone and the idea that this makes the image harder to decipher whilst also breaking it down and simplifying it's make up. That this image needs a closer and a harder look to understand, it encourages us to look beyond the surface and the superficial which is what we have been conditioned to do within the city.

propaganda, questioning, rules, rules only exist as far as our consent to be ruled, control, obey, exploring, urbex, screenprint, half tone, dotwork, adventure, social norms, gender stereotypes, alternative lifestyle, poster, graphic design, design, art

I have also been playing around with colour and the interpretations that can give a piece. I feel the red works in the sense it feels very strong and politically motivated and references propaganda imagery. It has a danger and also authority to it which adds weight to the message. 

propaganda, questioning, rules, rules only exist as far as our consent to be ruled, control, obey, exploring, urbex, screenprint, half tone, dotwork, adventure, social norms, gender stereotypes, alternative lifestyle, poster, graphic design, design, art

I feel this message works quite well and it is transferable to much bigger social and political issues than just urban exploring and in that sense widens my work and begins to explain my larger motivation behind exploring. How it is not just about deviancy, but about taking back control of your own live and your own city, of questioning what we blindly follow and accept within any circumstance. 

I think this also extends to rules we set ourselves in life which in fact are false barriers we use as an excuse to not push ourselves. Social norms, gender stereotypes, lifestyle choices, it is up to us to question what we don't believe in or nothing will ever change. 

propaganda, questioning, rules, rules only exist as far as our consent to be ruled, control, obey, exploring, urbex, screenprint, half tone, dotwork, adventure, social norms, gender stereotypes, alternative lifestyle, poster, graphic design, design, art

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