9 Oct 2012

Using The City To Represent Itself

I got the idea a little while back that in representing a place it is the earth, the dirt and the make up of that place where the reality of it exists. It represents the fabric and physicality of that location. So to explore this a little further I created a piece using Manchester as both my subject matter and my media.

this is manchester, manchester, abandoned, urbex, explore, letterpress, design, art, graphic design, duchamp, abstract, fine art, intervention, dirt, urbex, explore, found objects, city

Initially I was considering using collected material as a form of ink to print with but the logistics of this at the time meant that may take a little longer to produce. I wanted to do something quick and use this idea whilst I had it to make something. At the same time I had considered the idea of dumping a load of soil into the Arndale as an intervention to tackle similar issues so this was a natural tester for anything larger/ more difficult. 

this is manchester, manchester, abandoned, urbex, explore, letterpress, design, art, graphic design, duchamp, abstract, fine art, intervention, dirt, urbex, explore, found objects, city

I collected samples of "Floor Dust" from several abandoned buildings in and around Manchester as well as sweeping up general debris and dirt off the city streets themselves. I collected them inside this frame as a way of elevating the status of this dust and to give it a presence. 

The statement of "This Is Manchester" may appear to be a negative, but look further and this reveals the real Manchester, an alternative to the sterile and clean shopping centres which represent nothing else but globalization. This celebrates the history, people and make up of Manchester it all it's detail, complexity and diversity. 

this is manchester, manchester, abandoned, urbex, explore, letterpress, design, art, graphic design, duchamp, abstract, fine art, intervention, dirt, urbex, explore, found objects, city

Moving on from here I would love to develop this further using interventions within the city itself allowing this to directly communicate with both the urban environment and the general public who inhabit it. 

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